Backing for sugar tax to beat obesity crisis
A Liverpool professor favours a proposed sugar tax that could “save the NHS £10 million a year by 2025”.
Dog owners must ‘chip in’ or face fine
Merseyside dog owners could face a £500 fine if their dog isn’t microchipped soon.
Figures show just 18 black teachers in city
Research warns of a “crisis in representation” as statistics show there are only 18 black teachers working in Liverpool.
Funding boost for Turner Prize winners
Turner Prize-winning Assemble granted almost £250,000 of funds for a new project in Toxteth.
Can cancer be detected in urine smell?
A new device developed to be able to ‘smell’ prostate cancer is producing positive results after work by researchers from Liverpool and Bristol.
Landlords urged to pay student council tax
Liverpool’s Assistant Mayor is calling for landlords to pay their student residents’ council tax.
Search for operator to run St Luke’s Church
A search has begun to find an operator to run St Luke’s ‘Bombed-out’ Church, following a £500,000 facelift.
Tributes to Viola Beach band killed in car crash
Fans, friends and family of Warrington band, Viola Beach, have paid tribute to the group and their manager who died in a car crash in Sweden.
Challenge over Lime Street redevelopment
A heritage charity aims to mount a legal challenge against council plans to redevelop Lime Street.
Objections to sale of Woolton Golf Club
Liverpool’s Lib Dem leader criticises members of Woolton Golf Club after a vote to sell the land to a property developer.
Thousands raised for blind busker after theft
A blind busker who had his equipment stolen has thanked the public for their generosity.
Cream legend honoured at charity gig
A club night in memory of Cream’s Tony Barton will be held with all proceeds going to MacMillan nurses.
Museum to showcase Roman treasure hoards
Two collections of Roman treasure have gone on public display for the first time at the Museum of Liverpool.
Success highlighted in council ‘health check’
More than £150 million in new investment and major improvements for locals have been outlined in a report by Wirral Council.
Guest talk explores Tim Hetherington’s legacy
Students were inspired after a guest lecture from the Tim Hetherington Trust about the award-winning photojournalist.
Reds owners sorry as protest forces U-turn
Liverpool FC’s owners have reversed plans to increase ticket prices up to £77, issuing an apology to the club’s fans.
Junior doctors strike across Merseyside
Around 2,000 junior doctors across Merseyside have begun a second 24-hour strike over contract reform plans.
Everton fans cautious amid takeover reports
Proposed takeover talks loom large at Goodison Park over a potential £200m bid by American investors.