A public consultation has started on policies restricting new bars and clubs opening up in Liverpool.
Special Cumulative Impact Policies (SPIC’s) were introduced on Allerton Road, Lark Lane, Ropewalks and Cavern Quarter five years ago and are now being reviewed.
The policies are issued when there is concern that the number of licensed premises is having a negative effect on public safety, crime, disorder, public nuisance or children’s safety.
They limit new premises from opening and also prevent existing bars and clubs from varying licenses in ways that would worsen any problems in an area.
The Licensing Authority said it is eager to hear from as many members of the public on their views, as well as speaking to businesses and other groups in the area.
Graham Cameron, team leader for the Licensing & Regulatory Services, told JMU Journalism: “The purpose of our going out to formal consultation will hopefully highlight to the Licensing Authority whether we need to continue with the policies, amend them or indeed disband with them.
“All responses to the reviews are collated by our consultant with a full report presented to a future Licensing and Gambling Committee. This Committee will then make a recommendation to full council where a final decision is made.
“Licences or authorisations currently in place cannot be taken away, there are other measures within the Licensing Act to target problem premises.”
A full report of overall responses will be presented to the licensing and gambling committees. All responses submitted will be collected together to form an overall picture. An individual’s response would not be put forward without full consent.