Conference on city’s housing crisis
Ken Loach addresses the housing crisis in Liverpool at a conference on issues such as the bedroom tax and private landlords.
Local bouncer launches novel career
A former bouncer has turned his back on the club and bar doors and launched a new career by writing a fantasy children’s novel.
Dingle greenery marks Apprenticeship Week
Apprentices from green service provider Glendale Liverpool have planted new trees and hedge plants in Dingle.
Public’s views on green spaces sought
The public and local businesses are being given the opportunity to have their say about the future of Liverpool’s green and open spaces.
Game studio up for prestigious award
Lucid Games, a Baltic Triangle-based gaming company, is up for a gaming BAFTA at a prestigious awards ceremony.
Students urged to get out and vote
Young people are being urged to vote in order to ensure political parties pitch policies and ideas at them in the future.
Hospitals to mark ‘No Smoking Day’ with ban
Hospitals across Liverpool will ban smoking near their premises this week ahead of the ‘No Smoking Day’.
LJMU drama students’ festival for charity
LJMU drama students are putting on a three-week festival in aid of local charities.
Petition launched over Sefton transport cuts
Sefton Council plans to cut transport for disabled children and young people after they reach the age of 16.
Funding race for Penny Lane Wonderwall
The race is on for funding to be secured to repair and restore the colourful Penny Lane Wonderwall.
Maloney relishing bad guy panto role
Former X Factor star Chris Maloney is looking forward to acting the bad guy in pantomime this Easter.
Council launches numeracy skills scheme
Liverpool is the largest city in the UK to launch a scheme to help improve numeracy skills among its adult workforce.
A cup of goodwill for the most vulnerable
Free coffees will be given to those most in need thanks to a new scheme being introduced in Liverpool.
First journey for revitalised train service
The first trains from Liverpool to Manchester on a newly electrified route are up and running.
‘Very Big Catwalk’ set for record attempt
A world record-breaking attempt will be made at this summer’s ‘One Magnificent City’ celebrations.
Free women’s health advice in Toxteth
Liverpool women were given access to health and wellbeing services in celebration of International Women’s Day.
Liverpool locations make top 50 living list
Liverpool’s waterfront and Aigburth have been named in The Sunday Times top 50 list of best urban places to live in Britain.
Liverpool to host flagship tourism event
Liverpool has been confirmed as the host city for Visit Britain’s flagship tourism event, ExploreGB in 2016.