Millennium House sale ‘wrong’ claims
Liverpool's Liberal Democrat leader has slammed the council's decision to sell Millennium House to developers Signature Living.
Liverpool's Liberal Democrat leader has slammed the council's decision to sell Millennium House to developers Signature Living.
Prisons across Merseyside are in crisis as many of them are above capacity, according to new Ministry of Justice figures.
Liverpool’s CityBike scheme is expanding into the north of Liverpool following an increase in demand.
Liverpool hospitals are struggling to cope with the high demand of patients, a report has shown.
The future of the Welsh Streets remains uncertain after the council appealed against a block on development plans.
A popular disco event for people with learning difficulties in a city centre bar has been closed.
Liverpool Women’s Hospital is preparing for TV recognition when the Channel 4 show 'One Born Every Minute' is screened.
A new student accommodation in the city is to be named after the late former Liverpool and Everton star, Gary Ablett.
Mamma Mia! Here we go again as the show burst onto the Liverpool Empire stage for a new run.
A new licence set up by Liverpool City Council will cost private landlords up to £400 to rent out a property.
A new campaign has been launched to tackle the lack of awareness that surrounds sugary drinks and health conditions.
All ten of Liverpool's children’s centres which were threatened with closure have been saved for the next two years, after the mayor backs...
JMU Journalism asks Liverpudlians for their views on Jeremy Clarkson's disparaging comments about Liverpool in his Sunday Times column.
Merseyside Police drugs raid squads have continued their crackdown with three city centre bars shut by the force.
The Epstein Theatre will host marriages in its 380-seater venue for the first time after gaining a wedding licence.
Football fans showed their support for a 13-year-old boy doing an 800-mile challenge cycling ride.
Plans for the expansion of Speke Retail Park have been revealed, including a new cinema on the site.
A grant has been awarded of almost £75,000 to help preserve the iconic 'Bombed-out Church', St Luke's.