Help for homeless football club sought
Liverpool Homeless Football Club are looking for new volunteers to aid training and match day sessions.
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Liverpool Homeless Football Club are looking for new volunteers to aid training and match day sessions.
Plans for an urban farm and community hub in the Baltic Triangle have been given the go-ahead.
First-time voters were given a crash course in politics to urge them to register in time for the General Election.
Calls are being made to introduce speed cameras on the controversial Mersey Gateway Bridge.
The council has released a draft report on a strategy for improving mental health and well-being in the city.
Mayor Joe Anderson has urged the council to investigate introducing a 'Clean Air Zone' in the city centre.
A survey among Merseyside Police officers has found that 72.7% of workers feel they are not paid fairly.
Angry locals gathered to discuss their continued protest against the council's planned sale of green space land in South Liverpool.
Volunteers showed their public spirit by joining forces to clear litter and debris to help clean up Mersey Woods.
A pilot programme has produced encouraging results in the amount of waste that is being recycled.
Locals are being advised to donate to charities instead of giving money directly to homeless people on the streets.
Planning chiefs agree to a new £100 million LJMU campus on Copperas Hill.
Around £5m will be needed to upgrade traffic lights in parts of Liverpool, with some signals using technology that is nearly 50 years old.
A new licence set up by Liverpool City Council will cost private landlords up to £400 to rent out a property.
Liverpool City Council’s Citybike scheme has won a national award for 'shared mobility'.
Locals remain defiant against Everton's proposed move to the area as a new report reveals development details.
A Liverpudlian teen spoke in the House of Commons on the Living Wage as part of the UK Youth Parliament.
The Cunard Building is at the centre of a political row, after the city council installed 10 taps - which retail at £3,500 each - into new...