Knowsley facing councillor reduction
Knowsley Council could be facing significant councillor reductions to produce more financial savings for the area.
Residents to discuss oil refinery plans
Opposition to a planned oil refinery facility in Eastham is to be discussed between residents and the Hydrodec company.
Lomax loses licence but Garlands to re-open
Popular city centre nightclub Garlands will be able to re-open but Lomax will remain closed following legal hearings this week.
New licence will cost private landlords
A new licence set up by Liverpool City Council will cost private landlords up to £400 to rent out a property.
Children’s centres saved until 2017
All ten of Liverpool’s children’s centres which were threatened with closure have been saved for the next two years, after the mayor backs down.
New cinema proposed for Speke Retail Park
Plans for the expansion of Speke Retail Park have been revealed, including a new cinema on the site.
Council agrees grant to start St Luke’s repairs
A grant has been awarded of almost £75,000 to help preserve the iconic ‘Bombed-out Church’, St Luke’s.
Heroin ‘first aid kits’ may be introduced
Heroin ‘first aid kits’ may come to the city in case of accidental overdose after a query by a city councillor.
Concern over Wirral’s new youth zone
Concerns have been raised about what impact a new state-of the-art ‘youth zone’ in Birkenhead will have.
Technology project benefits social care
A five-year development for the transformation of computer systems in Liverpool’s adult social care has been launched.
Santa Dash set to stay in Liverpool
The annual Santa Dash charity event is set to continue in Liverpool despite the risk of it leaving the city.
Libraries saved as closure plan is axed
Anti-cuts campaigners can celebrate victory after Mayor Joe Anderson revealed that none of the city’s libaries will be closed.
Breathalyser scheme serves up mixed views
There have been mixed reviews for breathalysers introduced in a number of Liverpool pubs and clubs.
Large response to council cuts survey
More than 6,600 people have responded to Wirral Council’s consultation on spending cuts.
Landlords make £5m improvements
Liverpool landlords have carried out £5million worth of improvements to their properties after inspections by the council.
Lecturer gives voice to health service
A new health service has made a former nurse and university lecturer the voice of local people.
Apprenticeship scheme hits city
Hundreds of apprenticeships for unemployed young people may be up for grabs in Liverpool this week.
Anger at bid to remove memorial
The family of a teenager who was killed in a bike crash have been told to remove a memorial to him on a local park.