Ex-military warning schools on terror risk
A Bootle-based military academy has set out to provide children with skills that could keep them safe in a terror attack.
Students debate politics at UN model event
Liverpool students gathered at a United Nations Association event aiming to make young people more aware of international politics.
‘Je Suis Charlie’ solidarity at city rally
More than 400 people gathered in Liverpool to demonstrate their support for Paris in the wake of the combined terrorism attacks.
Rona caught up in M6 terror alert
JMU Journalism’s Rona Kirwan was stunned to be in a major terrorism alert as armed police surrounded the bus she was travelling on.
How 9/11 changed the world
Ten years on from the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States, JMU Journalism reflects on the events and the lasting impact on our lives today.
Norway terror attacks reflections
Vegard blogs on the terrorist killings in his homeland, Norway. He reflects on how lucky he was not to be at the scene of the attacks.
Journalism graduate led Osama plot
The man who hatched the plot to capture/kill the world’s most wanted terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, was a journalism graduate from the University of Texas.