Work begins on new £20m Shankly Hotel
Building work officially starts on a new hotel in town which honours former Liverpool manager Bill Shankly.
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Building work officially starts on a new hotel in town which honours former Liverpool manager Bill Shankly.
A new licence set up by Liverpool City Council will cost private landlords up to £400 to rent out a property.
A new campaign has been launched to tackle the lack of awareness that surrounds sugary drinks and health conditions.
This summer will be packed with sea-themed activity in a series of events under the banner 'One Magnificent City'.
Ray Quinn tells JMU Journalism he was shocked but chuffed to win the ITV show 'Get Your Act Together'.
The Epstein Theatre will host marriages in its 380-seater venue for the first time after gaining a wedding licence.
Football fans showed their support for a 13-year-old boy doing an 800-mile challenge cycling ride.
Plans for the expansion of Speke Retail Park have been revealed, including a new cinema on the site.
A plaque has been unveiled outside the birthplace of The Beatles manager Brian Epstein.
New research at LJMU could change the way in which inappropriate sexual behaviour is tackled.
Liverpool NHS staff took part in a 24-hour charity challenge as part of the recent Wheelchair Summit event.
A mum hopes a fundraising appeal to build a bereavement suite at Arrowe Park Hospital can become a reality.
Eating disorders are said to cost the UK economy £8bn a year and one local charity is calling for more help.
Not even the pouring rain could dampen spirits as Liverpool's Chinatown hosted the Chinese New Year celebrations.
A local pub has finished as one of three runners up in the Campaign for Real Ale's Pub of the Year, with its manager vowing to win outright.
The range of potential applicants for the broadband voucher scheme in Liverpool has been widened.
A new £25 million mental health hospital has opened on the outskirts of Liverpool city centre.
Liverpool hotels have been rated 48th in a world-wide ranking by top travel rating website Trivago.