Zumba fanatics across Liverpool gathered together on Friday for a fun-filled night to raise money for one of the UK’s biggest charities, Comic Relief.
Hampson Hughes Solicitors set up the continuous three-hour Zumbathon, which was held at Wavertree Lifestyles Tennis Centre, to encourage local people to join in the event in a bid to collect funds for the charity that aims to promote “a just world free from poverty”.
Lisa Pearson, Market and Business Development Director for Hampson Hughes Solicitors, told JMU Journalism how the event came about. She said: “One of our ladies, who works for us at the firm, has recently qualified as a zumba instructor. She loves what she does, she gets a real buzz out of zumba and she loves how confident it makes people, so she came to me a few weeks ago to say ‘how about we do a zumbathon?’
“When we’ve looked at different charities that we want to support as a firm, this one has come up really high because nationally everyone is aware of Comic Relief, but when you actually look into what Comic Relief does and how it helps thousands of really impoverish people in this country and over in Africa as well, it is a real worthwhile cause and for us at Hampson Hughes. It is really important to us to be seen to support people who need supporting.”
Through ticket sales, raffles, sponsorship and sales of red noses, the company managed to raise £6,000 for the charity. Local hair and beauty companies also backed the fundraising event by providing prizes to raffle winners.
Everyone seemed in high spirits as they danced the night away in red tutus, red noses and Minnie Mouse costumes. Becky Johnston, a zumba participant, was loving the night.
She told JMU Journalism: “The atmosphere is just fab. I mean we are here for three hours but it’s going to be worth it for as it’s for a great cause. I had to take a breather before as I got really tired after the first hour.
“I’ve not done zumba before to raise money so it makes a change and we get to benefit from it too. I hope everyone just has a good night tonight. I’m here with my sister Jane and I think everyone is just trying to have a good time.”
One of Comic Relief’s big campaigns, Red Nose Day, hits our screens on BBC One this Friday March 15.