The scary sight of zombies marching through the streets of town may have been taken some people by surprise at the weekend, but it was all in a good cause.
People of all ages were invited to the Ghoulies Haunted House on Sunday to participate in a fundraising walk around the city centre.
Starting on Dale Street at 2pm and continuing on into Liverpool One, the make-believe zombies asked passersby to donate to the Brain Charity.
Those involved were transformed in to the undead by makeup artists before setting off to ‘scare’ people into making donations.
The Brain Charity deals with neurological conditions, with the money raised going towards giving patients healthier and longer lives.
Sue Love, the Brain Charity’s service manager, told JMU Journalism: “We were approached by Ghoulies and we thought it would be brilliant. It was loads of fun and raised awareness for our charity.”
YouTube: Danielle Thomas
Organisers aimed to raise £1,000 on the day, and Mrs Love said: “Every penny that is raised by the charity goes in to the services that we provide, so everything that we raise does help.
“For example, if someone has a stroke, it affects every aspect of their life. They can lose their job, lose their relationship and have financial troubles. We are here to help them build those back up.”

Chris Wall, the charity’s building officer, has been involved with the company for 25 years. He told JMU Journalism: “I have laughed and I have cried with people at the Brain Charity.
“Days like this make us all stronger. It makes you more determined to try to raise money to give people a better quality of life. They don’t ask for much and they have so many doors shut on them.”
Future events are in the pipeline and the Brain Charity is always open to involvement with local residents.
John Perry, employment officer at the Brain Charity, said: “I think the organisation is always looking for new ideas. Engaging with the community works well.”