Feelings of post-lockdown anxiety normal, says psychologist
A psychologist has provided reassurance to an increasing number of people experiencing post-lockdown anxiety.
Rise in pandemic related mental health issues
A Merseyside mental health charity has warned we are only just starting to see the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
New mums struggling with mental health in lockdown
A third of new mums could be suffering with anxiety and depression through lockdown without having a clinical diagnosis.
Charity champions men’s mental health
A Liverpool-based charity is supporting men’s mental health to raise self-esteem and reduce social isolation.
Schizophrenia ‘can be treated like anxiety’
Five professors from the University of Liverpool have contributed to a major new report on schizophrenia.
More seeking help with anxiety issues
Figures show a 40% increase in 16 to 25-year-olds visiting the health charity Anxiety UK looking for help this year.