Ballet fans will not be disappointed this week as one of the most famous shows of all comes to Liverpool’s Empire Theatre.
Swan Lake brings you scenes of elegance and electricity and showcases the talents of the English National Ballet dancers who display extreme skill and fluidity throughout the performance.
The well-known story tells a tale of a princess who is kidnapped and held captive by a sorcerer who is in fact half man-half bird. He turns her into a swan and dooms her to a life by the lakeside under his spell, but she is soon falls in love with a prince.
The swirls of smoke and the emerging patterns of tutued swans really was a spectacle, only enhanced by the echoing sounds of Tchaikovsky’s greatest masterpieces.
You could hear a penny drop throughout the performance, only to hear the low drumming of dancers feet built up for the grand finale.
The lead role of Princess Odette, played by Alina Cojocaru, was conveyed magically and envisioned the white swan and the black swan impeccably with both ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ in her movements.
Prince Siegfried was performed by Alejandro Virelles who captivated the whole theatre with his powerful yet delicate spins, leaps and bounds across the stage.
The overall performance was as enchanting as the music and was a delight to watch. Whether you’re a ballet believer or have never been to see a show like this before you won’t regret it.
The production of Swan Lake will run until 22nd November.