It’s almost 10 years since English singer James Blunt stormed the charts on both sides of the Atlantic with his number one hit ‘You’re Beautiful,’ but the 40-year-old shows no signs of slowing down.
This week he brought his worldwide ‘Moon Landing’ tour to Liverpool, and didn’t disappoint as he and his crew appeared on stage in space suits, with the drummer looking oddly like he’s just got a part in Orange Is The New Black.
For anyone who follows Blunt on Twitter, they’ll know he’s a massive fan of making fun of himself, and his show was no different.
From start to finish he had the audience laughing, between poking fun of how small he was, stating: “A little guitar for a little man,” and saying he loves Liverpool as they’re one of the few who clapped when he said: “I don’t have a funny voice, I am just posh.”
He also slated his high voice, saying that women were more than welcome to sing along, but men won’t be able to “because it’s too bloody high.”
After his signature voice was finished blasting out the distorted notes on his latest single ‘Postcards,’ he looked at the audience and said he knew what we were thinking: Why was he playing happy songs?
“You came to see James Blunt, you paid to hear miserable songs.” He then sat down at the piano by himself, with no gimmicks or backup band and showed his real talent, performing ‘Goodbye My Lover’ – his top ten hit from 2005.
Before ‘I Really Want You’ he had the audience in stitches as he asked them not to sing or clap along as he’d mess up. He then went on to say the French were the worst for it, before asking if there were any French people in the audience.
After several shouts he said: “You can’t just shout ‘oui’ in a Liverpudlian accent.” He then got a big laugh as he apologised to a genuine French girl in the first few rows.
Blunt ended the show with massive cheers as he ran through the crowd and performed Slade cover ‘Coz I Luv You,’ as well as his own hits ‘You’re Beautiful,’ ‘Stay The Night’ and ‘1973.’