Derren Brown is arguably the most powerful illusionist in the UK and, with a one-week stint at the Liverpool Empire, it is no surprise that thousands will be queuing up to witness his latest show.
Infamous is one of the most eagerly awaited shows that Derren Brown has produced but it has a lot to live up to. It follows the success of his Olivier award winning show Svengali. As well as the hugely popular television shows Apocalypse and Fear and Faith.
Walking onto a simple, yet eerie stage, Derren has a magnificent talent of being able to go from being completely hilarious to utterly terrifying within a matter of seconds, which definitely keeps the audience on its toes throughout the night.
Derren pleads: “Please do not talk about what you see here tonight.”
And I wouldn’t dare try to spoil anything for anyone. However, I will be discussing some of the themes involved around the show, so if you don’t want to know, then you should look away now.
As always Derren is successful in combining a great sense of illusion, showmanship and suggestion which leaves everyone trying to figure out just how he does it.
Infamous is one of the most personal shows that Derren Brown has ever produced, as the show deals strongly with identity, perspectives and the ability to have an open mind.
Unfortunately, the show does have a tendency to shy away from its narrative and delve more towards the themes of curiosity and fixations. The audience are entered into a world which is filled strongly with Derren Brown’s own obsessions and talents.
This is only the first week of a brand new UK tour and I do think the show will undergo more than a handful of changes as it moves around the country.
Nonetheless, Derren’s finale had the audience jump to its feet with applause as the show came to an end and I left the theatre completely in awe of him …
… and no, I still haven’t got a clue how he does it.