This week sees the start of National Breast Cancer Awareness month, a campaign dedicated to promoting awareness of the disease.
In the UK nearly 50,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer each year – one person every ten minutes.
Anyone can get involved and help raise awareness about the issue.
You can be part of the cure by running and raising money for breast cancer in Birkenhead on 14th October, by taking part in the Run Wirral 10K race, which starts in Birkenhead Park at 9.30am.
Amy Cupples, a student, took part in a race back in Ireland to raise money for breast cancer research last year and she said: “I took part in this race with my mother as I wanted to do my bit for the charity and help raise money towards cancer research.
“Doing the race and helping breast cancer awareness it was very rewarding. I really enjoyed taking part in something for a good cause.”
Envi nightclub in Liverpool is also hosting a charity event at the end of the month to help raise money in aid of breast cancer.
They will be showcasing local talent, including singers, dancers, comedians, and other entertainers. Local celebrities are also invited to the event to help raise money. The event will take place on Sunday 21st October.