Liverpool Students’ Union has launched a new group to help tackle student health worries.
‘LJMU Student Minds’ launched last Friday as part of World Mental Health Day with a healthy buffet and a Nintendo Wii competition put on in addition to information about the new group being distributed.
Dan Cole, Vice President of the Union and Community Engagement, believes the group will make students happier in the long term.
He said: “The role of this group is to encourage people to be proactive in improving student health and wellbeing and developing a proactive programme of health promotion.
“It’s about improving both mental and physical health and wellbeing and there will be opportunities for the group to help bring about positive change on campus through campaigning, activities and facilitating peer support programmes.”
The group have already introduced some changes on campus including the provision of free water and free lifestyle gym membership.
Cole said: “There will also be opportunity for group members to access training opportunities and resources provided by Student Minds which is a UK student mental health charity.”
He added that the group is open to anybody who wants “to connect and share their experiences, thoughts and ideas with fellow students on the best way to maintain good mental and physical health and wellbeing”.
For more information, or the opportunity to join, go to the website.