An art exhibition is to be used as an education aid for schoolchildren across Liverpool.
The brainchild of former KLF musician Jimmy Cauty, ‘ADP-1’ is currently housed at The Florrie community and heritage centre in Dingle.
It is now the artwork’s unofficial part-time home, after the shipping container graffiti mural went on display there once before.
Workers at the centre are aiming for every school in Liverpool to visit the piece as part of an education programme set up by the staff and volunteers.
Speaking to JMU Journalism about the benefits of the display to people in Toxteth, The Florrie’s Anne Lundon said: “”We want all the artwork that we have here to be participatory art. We wanted to involve the local community and to figure out how to try and make it accessible for them.”
YouTube: Tim Spencer Tanfield
The programme will involve one-to-one discussions with fellow peers and adults from the surrounding area, about what the art means to them and what messages they interpret from it.
Mrs. Lundon added: “When the exhibition was last here we teamed up with local schoolchildren to get them to represent their interpretation of what community means to them inside a shoe box. Since then we have had issues with anti-social behaviour, and the ADP-1 has been the only thing that has engaged kids locally in a positive way.”

The Aftermath Dislocation Principle project at the Florrie opened last week, with it being free to view for the public between 4-8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Florrie’s CEO added: “Last year when the display was here, it was the first time kids came into our centre and weren’t causing trouble, so when Jimmy said to us that we could have the ADP-1, it was an amazing thing to do.”
While Merseyside is now the ADP’s semi-permanent home, the 60-year-old’s creation will go on tour in America over the summer, where staff at the Florrie are hopeful a handful of local children will get the chance to go and see it.