Young people from across Liverpool have been sworn in as Junior Lord Mayors.
The 26 pupils from Liverpool schools have been elected after being nominated by Liverpool Schools’ Parliament
The scheme gives them a chance to get a taste for civic life; shadowing Lord Mayor Councillor Sharon Sullivan at events over the coming months.
The team of ‘mini mayors’ is made up of 11 Junior Lord Mayors who represent local primary schools, 12 Young Lord Mayors from local high schools, and three Young Lord Mayors from special schools across Liverpool.
Danny Williams from Aigburth High, one of the three Young Lord Mayors from special schools, is proud to take part in the scheme. The 14-year-old said: “I feel excited and very happy to be given the chance to make a change by giving young people a voice. I’m going to try to make Liverpool equal for all people.”
Danny’s learning mentor, Ann Price said the role has given him high hopes for his future. She said: “It’s been a huge boost to his confidence, it’s given him a voice. Now he wants to be Prime Minister!”
At a ceremony in the Town Hall, the 26 young people were sworn in, with Lord Mayor Sharon Sullivan giving them her best wishes, saying: “I congratulate all Young Lord Mayors and wish them a successful term in parliament. I am so proud to give these awards to such wonderful young people.”
The Lord Mayor later praised the scheme, telling JMU Journalism: “It makes young people aware of the polticial process. One of the big issues that worries me is the low turn-out to voting, and so I think the more young people that are aware of the process, and the structure, the better for them.
“Each young person brings something different to the role… there have been some great, interesting little characters.”
The Young Lord Mayors will each be given a set month over the coming year in which they will be required to carry out civic duties whilst shadowing the Mayor.