A law graduate from Liverpool John Moores University has spoken of how she managed to help save a teenager’s life while on board an easyJet flight.
Aimée Pye, 21, was a passenger on the Malaga to Liverpool flight when a 19-year-old-boy had a seizure, and she came to his assistance.
Aimée, from Huyton, told JMU Journalism: “I noticed a guy having a fit in the aisle and some stewardesses were stood by him. I jumped up and ran to him and told them I’m a first aider. They stepped aside and let me intervene.”
Aimee, who is a volunteer for St John’s Ambulance, helped the boy regain consciousness before carrying out observations.
The boy was taken to hospital by his parents after the flight landed at Liverpool John Lennon Airport, though Aimée has not heard about what happened after that.
The 21-year-old is now campaigning through an online e-petition for schools in Britain to introduce compulsory first aid training and she has already gained more than 300 signatures.
It was not only the plane incident that inspired her to create the e-petition, as while she was working in Malaga over the summer another incident sparked her interest.
Aimée said: “One day a guy was knocked out on the beach and I helped him to regain consciousness. After that day I was discussing with my housemates that everyone needs to know first aid. From then, I researched how to introduce a new law.”
She said: “I can’t stress how important it is for everyone to learn first aid. Facts don’t lie and the facts are that 150,000 people die a year in situations where they could have been saved by first aid treatment.”
Despite graduating with a law degree this year, Aimée has now decided upon medical practice as her career choice and she is hoping to study to be a paramedic at LJMU next September.
Aimée told JMU Journalism: “I always remember when I was in school I used to ask my maths teacher, what’s the point of learning algebra? When are we going to use it? I used to say, we should learn things that are actually going to be useful to our everyday lives, and to this day I stand by that statement.”
To sign the e-petition visit: www.direct.gov.uk/petitions /51756