Liverpool has been named the ‘boob job capital of Britain’ after showing the highest numbers of requests for the surgery.
Clinic Compare, a service that connects people to their nearest cosmetic surgeon, used their statistics to compile a list of the most popular procedures by area in the UK. The list, which uses over 60,000 surgery requests, shows that there is more demand for breast enhancements in Liverpool than anywhere else in the country.
The study shows that the people of Birmingham, Manchester, Barnet and Enfield are the most likely to look into getting a nose job, while Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Staffordshire and Hampshire are most likely to book weight loss surgery.
Liverpool girl Laura Noon, who underwent breast enhancement surgery over 13 years ago, told JMU Journalism: “I was 17 when I first wanted to get the surgery. All of my friends had big boobs and I had nothing.
“I wanted to fit into my clothes better and I couldn’t wear the style of clothes I wanted because I couldn’t fill them. I’m not surprised Liverpool is the boob job capital of the UK because Liverpool girls are stylish and love to look good.”
She added: “I’d advise anyone who is thinking of getting the surgery to make sure it is something they want 100%. I got the surgery for me and for me only. It was about liking what I saw and making my figure look right. I’d urge anyone considering the surgery to make sure they go to a professional surgeon and to make sure that they do their research.”
Clinic Compare arranged 145 breast enlargement operations locally between January and September of this year. The NHS have estimated that there are up to 30,000 operations of this nature taken place each year in the UK alone, 4,500 of which are funded by the state.
The average cost of breast enhancement surgery is between £3,500 and £5,000.