The Lantern Company is bringing a brand new, illuminated celebration to Liverpool to raise awareness of environmental issues .
The ‘Luminous Landscapes’ half-term visual spectacle highlights issues related to landfill and recycling in a humorous and thought-provoking way.
The event, set to be held at Liverpool Festival Gardens, is in partnership with Liverpool City Council and stems from funding from the Arts Council England.
Taking place over three evenings, the gardens and woodlands of this city landmark will be transformed into unusual forms, where what is usually hidden from public view will be transformed into lake beds and forest floors.
Audiences will be free to roam the gardens on their own route and at their own pace with hand-held lanterns.
Jo Pocock, artistic director of the Lantern Company, said: “Featuring a strong environmental theme, audiences can expect a luminous, otherworldly journey through a secret woodland and waterway route, revealing pockets of illuminated magic, giant insects, live music and other incredible sights.”
Community participation takes a central place in the festival and will engage hundreds of local people through arts workshops, creating lanterns and luminous accessories to become part of the event.
Assistant mayor and cabinet member for Culture, Tourism and Events, Councillor Wendy Simon, said: “The Lantern Parade is hugely popular and I think seeing it at a different time of year and in a new location will bring a whole new, exciting perspective to the event.
“This will be the first time we have used the Festival Gardens for a large-scale activity, and it will be a great indication of the different events we can stage there in the future.”
The event will take place this coming Thursday February 18th, running for three days until Saturday, from 5:30pm-9:00pm.