The city’s first landlord accreditation scheme intends to help raise standards in rented accommodation across Liverpool.
The scheme saw landlords and letting agents attend a course enabling them to sign up to a code of management practice.
Citywide Landlord Accreditation Safety Scheme – or Class – was set up by Liverpool Council in partnership with the North West Property Owners’ Association.
There are around 50,000 rented properties throughout Liverpool, including a student accommodation market which accounts for most of the numbers.
A total of 28 landlords from the area attended the oversubscribed course which helped them to ensure that tenancy agreements are clear and concise – informing both the tenant and landlord of their responsibilities – and to gain knowledge of fire safety in houses with multiple occupiers, understand management regulations and learn how credit unions can help a landlord and tenant.
Cllr Ann O’Byrne, Cabinet Member for Housing, told Dale Street News: “The feedback we have received was very positive and there is clearly a lot of interest from landlords in getting advice and support.
“We want to work with landlords and help drive up standards in this sector and those who have joined Class will get the information they need to help them manage their properties to a high standard.
“The council has agreed a 10 point pledge to encourage good landlords and these courses are a way in which we can help landlords to improve standards.”
Landlords and letting agents can join Class for free and benefits include discounts on mandatory house in multiple occupation licence fees, free promotion on the council’s website and access to advertise properties on Propertypool Plus.
Those landlords that attended the event were presented with a certificate and the current Landlord Handbook.
For more information about Class landlords can call 0151 233 8266 or email [email protected]