A Liverpool children’s charity has been robbed just two weeks after launching its Christmas appeal, which meant it lost vital information needed to help families.
A £1,200 computer was taken from the KIND SEED Centre, based between the city centre and Toxteth, last Tuesday night.
Two phone calls were made to the police by locals who noticed a window was smashed.
KIND charity works with disadvantaged children and families and aims to give them opportunities and experiences that some may take for granted.
Stephen Yip, founder of KIND, said: “The only good thing is they didn’t physically get in. They smashed the window and because the computer is by the window they just pulled the computer out.”
The robbers broke through the street level window on Back Canning Street and pulled the computer through the bars on the window.
The computer was a top of the range Apple Mac and because of its slim nature was easily pulled through the metal bars.
Mr Yip said: “Because they didn’t get in the alarm didn’t go off. You don’t expect people to come through the window when there are bars on it.”
The most valuable thing lost to the charity is the information which was on the computer.
KINDs Christmas appeal gives food hampers and toys to families in need over Christmas. On the computer was the database of families that need help. It also contained the details of volunteers that have come forward to help KIND in their Christmas appeal and those wanting to donate.

Mr Yip said: “It’s rather brutal really. It’s just a pain because it’s what’s on the computer that’s the most important thing. We can fundraise for a new computer but we’ve got to try and get all this information.”
The charity is now concerned they will lose contact with these people so MrYip urges for anyone contacted them lately about the Christmas appeal to get back in touch.
Just a week before the robbery, KIND’s city centre store was closed down leaving the charity worried for the success of its 37th Christmas appeal.
Stephen took to social networking site Facebook to express his thanks to everyone that is helping them through this difficult time.
He said: “All at KIND would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their support regarding the break in at the Centre. When horrible things like this happen the only upside is we find out that there are so many more good and kind people in this world.”
For more information or to donate to KIND please visit www. kind.org.uk. If anyone has any information regarding the robbery please contact Merseyside Police on 0151 777 4065 or 0800 555 111.