The Giants Spectacular made its last ever appearance in Liverpool this weekend, with enormous numbers of spectators enjoying the show on both sides of the River Mersey.
Liverpool City Council claims around 1.3m turned out to witness the three days of festivities.
Crowds packed the streets to get a chance to see the three giants perform, with a special appearance by the popular Little Girl Giant who made a surprise visit to Sunday’s finale to say goodbye to her many fans.
The playful puppet dog, Xolo, delighted thousands as he wagged his tail and interacted with people, alongside Little Boy Giant and a super-sized monster puppet who spent Friday on the Wirral before joining up with the others in Liverpool.

People travelled great distances to witness the parades, some on a repeated visit, including Anita Bowers, 64, who told JMU Journalism: “I came to see them in 2014 and I heard it was the last time so I’ve come from Shropshire on the train. I didn’t want to miss it. I think they’re fantastic.”
First-time spectators were also left impressed, such as Suze Guthrie, 23, who said: “I haven’t seen them before. I’ve only just moved to Manchester so I took a day off work to come and see them. They look amazing. It’s been knackering following them around the city.”
The event spanned 21 miles around the region, with the giants pausing to interact with the public. However, many visitors to the spectacle were also left deeply frustrated by travel problems, with long queues forming outside the train stations Merseyrail had left open, after controversially closing several others.
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James Duffy, a Merseyrail staff member, told JMU Journalism: “The system has been put in place for the safety of travellers this weekend. With the high volume of travellers the city is expecting, it will benefit everyone by having a structured system where we can control overcrowding on the platforms and ensure everyone is kept safe over this busy time.”

Helen Bell, 60, of Wallasey, was unconvinced, telling JMU Journalism: “I understand the logic in wanting to build trains up of bigger carriages this weekend, but I do not understand how anyone believes closing stations is going to benefit anyone. Travelling home yesterday was an absolute nightmare. I was not able to get on the first two trains that arrived due to them being too full.”
Travel disruptions aside, it would appear that most who saw the ‘Liverpool’s Dream’ spectacular were not disappointed, but Jolene Hall, 26, said: “You were getting pushed by everyone so you couldn’t really take a picture.”
The technical aspects of the Royal de Luxe show earned praise, including from 60-year-old Jim Smith, who said of the giants: “The expressions, the eyes and the feet got me. The articulation of the movement was so expressive. It was absolutely brilliant, the way they all work together like a team.”
Additional reporting by Lucy Jones; Annie Williams; Nadia Breen; Lori Dunlevy; Ellie Watkinson; Megan Tattersley; George Adams; Abigail Lawrence; Angelica Day; Chantelle McKeever; Rose McMillan; Liam Jones & Rohin Jalota.
Twitter: JMU Journalism
A very busy Renshaw Street as Little Boy Giant passes by! #LittleBoyGiant #LiverpoolsDream #GiantSpectacular @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/9ETAAd8ulm
— Nadia Breen (@nadiabreen1) October 5, 2018
The Giants have arrived in Liverpool, with Xolo giving everyone a friendly tail wag as he moves through the city. #giantspectacular #liverpool @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/KqKQkQA5Ny
— Shannon Lyon (@ShannonLeigh96_) October 5, 2018
The Giant catching its last moments of Z’s before it wakes to entertain the crowd and start its journey across the Mersey #GiantSpectacular #LiverpoolDreams @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/Ef6ZHMiVJJ
— Annie Williams (@AnnieWLJMU) October 5, 2018
Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson explains how the Giants benefit the local economy. @mayor_anderson @JMUJournalism #LiverpoolGiants #LiverpoolDreams pic.twitter.com/1fuby4bBrq
— Nadia Breen (@nadiabreen1) October 5, 2018
Exploring New Brighton Promenade, the giant walks through the streets while the crowd follows. #Giants #NewBrighton #LiverpoolDream @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/nIX1bfIwnV
— lucy (@lucyjjournalism) October 5, 2018
The Giants in Toxteth earlier today. #LiverpoolDreams #LiverpoolGiants @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/oysQqW4Dm1
— Megan ? (@megantattersley) October 5, 2018
Little Boy Giant is currently on his way towards St Luke’s Church and Chinatown! #LittleBoyGiant #LiverpoolsDream #GiantSpectacular @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/A8rIlfAczY
— Nadia Breen (@nadiabreen1) October 5, 2018
Xolo impressing the crowds on Renshaw Street @GiantSpectacle @JMUJournalism #TheGiants pic.twitter.com/3mtgvocmun
— Lori Dunlevy (@loridunz) October 5, 2018
People still gathering at The Giants destruction #LiverpoolDreams #LiverpoolGiants @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/oXomL7JB9y
— Megan ? (@megantattersley) October 5, 2018
Amazing view of the giants today.#Giants #LiverpoolDream #NewBrighton @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/DaWBVN3UG8
— lucy (@lucyjjournalism) October 5, 2018
The Giant makes his way from water to land @JMUJournalism #liverpoolgiants #liverpooldreams pic.twitter.com/CYez8Tv5AE
— Liam Jones (@LiamJonesLJMU) October 6, 2018
Day 2 of The Giants, crowds gather around the destroyed bus outside Lime Street in preparation for today’s parade @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/BP23CEsswe
— Rose ? (@RosalindaMacMil) October 6, 2018
The Giant stops for a quick refreshment on his walk #LiverpoolGiants #LiverpoolDream @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/KcHjQrqekm
— Chantelle Mckeever (@ChantelleMcKeee) October 6, 2018
A massive crowd has gathered to watch The Giant pass by Moorfields station! #LiverpoolsDream #TheGiant #LiverpoolGiants @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/l7IwCCf3rp
— Nadia Breen (@nadiabreen1) October 6, 2018
The queue for Liverpool Central train station is currently all the way down Hanover Street. #liverpooldreams @GiantSpectacle @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/QhirnHhtrd
— Annie Williams (@AnnieWLJMU) October 6, 2018
The Giant on his way to Clarence Dock for his evening sleep. #TheGiant #GiantSpectacular #LiverpoolsDream @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/6Nvy6afd9C
— Nadia Breen (@nadiabreen1) October 6, 2018
Views of The Strand this morning! #Giantspectacular #LiverpoolsDream @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/nJB5ZCjh1F
— Annie Williams (@AnnieWLJMU) October 7, 2018
The Giant and Xolo have awoken and are ready for their walk through Sefton Street…#liverpoolgiantspectacular pic.twitter.com/SX8RUqY6vi
— Ellie Watkinson (@elliewatkinson7) October 7, 2018
There she goes, the Little Girl Giant #LivepoolGiants @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/PUUFP5StUx
— Ellie Watkinson (@elliewatkinson7) October 7, 2018
Xolo is on route to the finale at the Waterfront #LiverpoolDream @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/gvUqkw2ILe
— Ellie Watkinson (@elliewatkinson7) October 7, 2018
The Giants are boarding and the crowd bid them farewell ?? #LivepoolGiants @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/KHef73h47x
— Ellie Watkinson (@elliewatkinson7) October 7, 2018
Huge crowd follows the #Giants as they finish their journey through the city. #giantsspectacular #liverpool @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/TSddOXeU90
— Shannon Lyon (@ShannonLeigh96_) October 7, 2018
Huge crowds gather for #LiverpoolGiants final stretch down Sefton Street @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/V8nuTGKzPU
— George Adams (@gadams96) October 7, 2018