A £10,000 fundraising campaign has been set up to help an 11-month old baby with an undiagnosed condition.
Jackie Potter and husband Michael, from St Helens, have faced an ongoing battle of problems since Jaxson was introduced to the world.
Jaxson was born at 35 weeks and suffered from a number of eating and breathing problems due to excess skin in his throat, which has led to two operations.
The second procedure means everything the baby now eats goes into his lungs so he has had to have a peg fitted to help with this problem.
Jaxson now cannot move his head or support his body and is at risk of Sudden Infant’s Death syndrome (SIDs). He also struggles with a low immune system and is constantly in hospital as he can’t fight infection.
To try and find out the cause of this worrying condition, he has had to undergo several genetic and neurological tests.
Kerri Harris took it upon herself to set up a Go Fund Me page for baby Jaxson.
She told JMU Journalism about how she met Jackie and her decision to set up the fundraiser, saying: “I met Jackie through Facebook. We got talking and she told me about her little man and I fell in love with Jaxson. I decided I’d love to help the family and raise money for him, a car for the family and money for them to adapt their home so it is suitable for his needs.”
Jackie was forced to quit her job at the NHS due to the full-time care Jaxson needs. This has led to the family having to give up their vehicle and move house as where they are currently living is inadequate for the facilities the baby will need.
Mrs Potter told JMU Journalism: “Jaxson is a real trooper. He has had nothing but hard times face him from birth and nothing has fazed him. We could not be any prouder of our son. We have been shocked and very overwhelmed by the effort everyone is going to fundraise for him. It was very unexpected.”
Donations can be made by clicking the link to their fundraising page here.