The closing night of Liverpool Fashion Week 2012 brought the curtain down on another succesful event with top model Abbey Crouch in attendance at the Hilton hotel, almost stealing the show with her choice of outfit.
The Liverpool model caught the eye with her extremely low-cut dress which almost caused a wardrobe malfunction as she was there to support her 13-year-old sister Elle Clancy, who was modelling in the show.
Editor of Liverpool’s Lifestyle Monthly magazine Amanda Moss, host and organiser of the event, introduced the show by promising the audience: “Tonight we are doing what Liverpool does best, fashion and glamour.”
Although the focus was firmly on fashion, the show warmed up with a rapper called ‘Uppercut’, and he was followed by an impressive acrobatic performance by two female trapeze artists, who appeared for a second time later on to entertain the guests.
The runway welcomed catwalk shows from Rule 1, Mango, Illuminati Jeans, Liverpool Community College, Tessuti, and Eyecall Opticians. Scouseworld was the final show, and the one which represented Liverpool the most. The jewelled and sparkly dresses were ‘accessorised’ with a Chihuahua and models blowing glitter into the air.
Also modelling in the show was Miss Crouch’s cousin and former ‘Desperate Scousewives’ star Chloe Cummings. Scousewives cast members were reported to have been banned from Fashion Week 2012 according to national newspapers, in a bid to disassociate Liverpool from being fake and tacky.
Other models included Faye Ayers, who won this year’s Miss Liverpool 2012 award, and LJMU student Courtney Jones who is studying an MSc in Critical Science.
A highlight of the night was a performance from 15-year-old acoustic singer Milly Pye. The young artist performed familiar track ‘Don’t Worry’ along with a collection of her own material.
Amanda Moss tweeted after the six-night event: “Liverpool Fashion Week was a HUGE success. A London PR company who came said the show was better than London Fashion week.”
Additional reporting by Calum Metcalfe