A new exhibition in Liverpool is showcasing the changing styles of police uniform.
The display at the Met Quarter shopping centre is called ‘Fashion Police’ and is a free exhibition open to everyone and runs till the 26th March.
The display has been developed by Merseyside police and aims to demonstrate the role that police in the area have played throughout history.
The exhibition features police uniforms and memorabilia dating from the 1800’s to the present day. Vintage uniforms on display include vintage capes and hobnail boots. Visitors are invited to try on the uniforms and the exhibition will also provide a history of policing through the ages.
Police in Merseyside have been given the opportunity to show themselves in a different light this month, firstly through Colin Lewis’s photographic exhibition ‘Portrait of a modern police force’ and now the uniform exhibition.
Merseyside Police Chief Constable Jon Murphy told JMU journalism: “It reflects the changing of police uniforms over the last 200 years. It very clearly reflects the significant changes in the force and also how uniform has become more protective.
“For some time the force has been working with the council to have a museum in St George’s hall. We were offered an empty shop space in the Met Quarter so we took it for a month. The idea came from our media team.
“It shows that we think our history is important and we’re proud of that.”
Chief Constable Murphy has worked in the police force for 38 years, and opened the exhibition last week. Merseyside’s new Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Kennedy also attended the opening.
“Merseyside Police has remained a strong and resilient force due to their ability to change with the demands of society and it was fascinating to see these changes reflected in the officer’s uniforms on display. I was particularly pleased to see women playing a central role within the force as early as 1904, as volunteers.
“The exhibition is a great opportunity for the public to come and see the impact Merseyside Police has had on the county’s social and cultural history and I would urge everyone to take the opportunity to visit it.”
Schools in Merseyside are also invited to get involved, and are being given the opportunity to enter a competition to design the police uniform of the future. A special prize will be awarded to the winning designer.