Warrington Borough Council has invested up to £4 million of capital funding on a new fleet of eco-friendly vehicles, which will roam the streets for waste collection.
The trucks will collect general household rubbish, recycling and green waste, travelling across the borough’s 94,000 properties and 560 trade clients.
With the investment and plans in place, the aim is to provide the residents of Warrington with a tidy and consistent cleaning service and make it a cleaner and greener borough.
The new and improved vehicles will feature low-entry cabs, a 360-degree CCTV camera, and an audible warning system for cyclists. It will also feature an in-cab screen for the drivers of the vehicles in order to monitor any potential hazards in the blind spots.
YouTube: Liam Plumbley
Paul Hennessey, a representative of Warrington Borough Council, told JMU Journalism: “I think one of the most important factors of the new waste vehicles is that it is going to improve the safety for workers with the new features and the fact that the vehicles are now eco-friendly.
“The council is putting a lot of money into this, so I’m positive that this new step will be a positive for Warrington.
“We need to keep the streets clean, and hopefully the idea of the new vehicles will work out well and we can keep on doing our job to ensure that we are providing a good service for the town.”
The new set of vehicles will arrive in batches of six, with the whole fleet set to reach 24 vehicles by April 2020.