Merseyside Dogs’ Home has launched its ‘Cold Nose Warm Heart’ Christmas appeal.
The winter months put a strain on the charity as they have to cover the costs of extra heating, which will be around £4,000. The home is collecting for the winter fuel bill on their Just Giving page.
Centre Support Officer Emma Logan said: “We are in desperate need of pennies to keep our dogs warm and dry. This is especially important for the hundreds of sick dogs who will come through our doors in need of TLC in order to get on their feet again.”
The home expects to almost double the number of dogs they care for over the Christmas period and want to get them healthy and ready for re-homing as soon as possible.
The home currently has 60 dogs in their care, but the number is expected to rise to over 100 over the coming months as more people abandon their dogs.
As well as covering the cost of heating, the home needs plenty of help with other donations and volunteering.
Emma said: “Support comes in lots of different forms, from donating or in person at the dogs home, volunteering their time to walk our dogs, or donating food and bedding to the home.
“We are always in need of any type of tinned meat, dry bags of Chappie as well as towels, blankets – or even old curtains.”
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