A local cycling club is aiming to raise awareness of cancer in men after riding from Liverpool to Southport and back at the weekend.
Spearheaded by Bob Blanchard and run by Breckfield neighbourhood council, North Liverpool Cycling Club set off on their 54-mile route at 9am last Sunday morning.
Speaking to JMU Journalism, Community Development Manager Blanchard said: “We do a lot of cycling activities throughout the city. We’ve got two national qualified cycling instructors based here who can actually deliver cycle training.
“We also have people in the local community who are qualified to do that as well.”
Assisted by seven cycle leader assistants, the ride was organised and delivered by Liverpool Action 4 Health, North Liverpool Cycle Club and Cycle for Health.
Blanchard explained: “The North Liverpool Cycle Club forms part of the overall health programme that we deliver. We’ve also delivered programmes for Liverpool Football Club and their health programme Action for Health.
“We were first approached by them four years ago and we have sustained a partnership ever since ”

With 54 people signed up and beating last year’s number of participants, Blanchard was delighted that more people added their names to a good cause. The ride was also supported by The HIM project which campaigns and fights for resources to put men’s health and requirements on the Government’s agenda.
“The ride is part of what has become the ride for cancer to raise awareness of cancer in men,” said Blanchard: “We use the cycle ride as a way of getting the message out there that we can offer support for men who suffer with any form of cancer. It’s basically just about doing something in an informative way.”
For more information on how to get involved contact Bob Blanchard on 0151 288 8400, or email [email protected].