A committed photographer has completed a blog for which he captured and uploaded a picture of Crosby every day for one year.
The project, named Crosby365, is the work of photographer Andrew Hoban and contains 366 pictures which include crashing waves on the marina, Christmas lights in the town and the famous iron men of Crosby beach.
The 32-year-old, who has lived in the town for over 20 years, is a keen runner and it was his knowledge of the area from exploring routes and side streets which helped him to come up with his idea.
His hobby started when he was walking his dog one day and he began taking pictures with his mobile phone on the beach. It was then he discovered that he had an eye for photography.
Married with a son, Andrew has had to fit his hobby around his career working in IT and his family life.
He told JMU Journalism: “Very early on in the project there was a family who emailed me to say that they were new to the area and they really enjoyed following the blog because it introduced them to their new home town and something like that has made it all worthwhile.
“It’s great that there’s been a lot of families who have sat down to the computer every day and have had a look together and that’s exactly what the point of it was for me, to get people to know their area better.”

When asked about his own favourite photograph, he said: “It’s like choosing your favourite Beatles song really, it’s impossible!
“I love quite a lot of them. There was one I took the other day of a bus stop just on the Thornton border, it was a few weeks ago in twilight and I really love that one for some reason.
“I just wanted to bring a new lease of life to it, maybe stuff they’ve never seen before or passed every day and not noticed and part of the point of it is to get people interested in where they live and I love Crosby and I hope a lot of other people will now love Crosby because of what I’ve done.
“It’s been great fun and I’ve never regretted it.”
Andrew hopes to work in partnership with community group A Better Crosby to try and get his work displayed. You can view the full year’s photography blog here