Knowsley Council has joined forces with several other borough councils across the country in a bid to tackle social inequality.
The Birmingham Declaration on Social Inclusion, which aims to make cities more inclusive, was signed by Council leader Ron Round recently.
By joining the campaign, the council is committing to the National Social Inclusion Network and will be hoping to build a collective voice that articulates the arguments for social inclusion throughout communities across the country.
The council will also combine learning and development on key issues around social inclusion while identifying further actions that can be taken.
Mr Round told JMU Journalism: “To build on these developments in Knowsley, we will work with colleagues in other local authorities to collectively tackle social inequality and deprivation.
“By signing up to the Birmingham Declaration on Social Inclusion highlights Knowsley’s ongoing commitment to address this issue.”
Knowsley are joining a list of other authorities from all over the country including major cities such as Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Sheffield and Newcastle.
Progress has already been made as Knowsley’s attempts to alleviate the impact of social inequality and deprivation by encouraging resilience within communities.
One scheme is the Knowsley Youth Mutual, a social enterprise which has been established to deliver youth services within the borough. Other developments have been made to improve the quality of primary school education as well as supporting over 500 apprentices into work over the last five years.