People are being asked to keep the city clean after worrying amounts of litter are being left at the waterfront.
Throughout lockdown, people have used the waterfront as a place to exercise and get some fresh air. However, just a short walk around the area shows how big the problem is with litter being left on the floor, benches, and in the water.
Liverpool Streetscene Services LTD (LSSL), part of Liverpool City Council, is now encouraging visitors to clean up after themselves.
A spokesperson for LSSL said: “We would expect people not to throw litter on the floor if there are no bins on site. Sometimes there are extra bins on-site, but people still decide to litter.
“The Street Cleansing service asks that people enjoy the outdoor spaces but to please respect them and take their litter with them when leaving the site, if the bins are full/overflowing.
“Liverpool City Council usually puts out messages on their Twitter account asking people not to leave rubbish, as do other services such as Liverpool Parks.”
With so many more people visting the waterfront during lockdown, the spokesperson said demand on cleaning services has increased.
She said: “The Street Cleansing service increase the service to the litter bins in popular locations, in this case it is increased to twice per day for the Pier Head instead of once per day. The service also puts out additional Euro bins or 240 litre bins for the additional waste, which have been put out along the Pier Head on several weekends.

“If the weather conditions are predicted to be poor, the decision is often made that there is no requirement to put out extra bins because it is not likely that large numbers of people would be expected at these sites.
“We take recycling seriously and all litter bin waste collected is recycled.”
LSSL also work with local neighbourhoods and schools to promote and increase recycling. Raising awareness for recycling is something local environmentalist Mia Smith is passionate about. She said: “We all need to work together. We can do this through campaigns, word of mouth, protests.
“It can take one person to share their view on recycling for someone else to adopt that view.”