A scheme to encourage people to adopt children in care has been launched by Liverpool City Council.
The ‘Adopt a future – together we can make a difference’ campaign comes the same week as the annual National Adoption Week gets underway.
Liverpool City Council is hoping to find 37 children a permanent home through the scheme, which will see extensive advertising on public transport and in public buildings across the city.
Councillor Jane Corbett, Cabinet member for Children’s and Education Services, said: “Although the process of becoming an adopter has to be extremely thorough, we try and make it as pain free as possible. Around 19 out of 20 people who go forward to the adoption panel are approved.”
According to figures by National Adoption Week, over 4,000 children are waiting to find an adoptive family and their chances of adoption decrease by 20% every year they have to wait.
A spokesperson for National Adoption Week told JMU Journalism: “The campaign has been a huge success year-on-year and with the great help and co-operation that local authorities up and down the country provide us with, we’re hoping that this year’s campaign can be an even bigger success. We want all children to enjoy a safe and loving home and family life.”
On average the time taken to find an adoptive match in Liverpool is 150 days, well below the national average of 210, and 19 out of 20 adoption applications are successful.
Cllr Corbett added: “We have a fantastic track record of placing children with the family that is right for them, which is why 98% of our placements are a long-term success. I would urge anyone who has ever thought about adoption to get in touch with us – it could be the best decision you ever make.”
In order to apply, applicants must be over 21, be able to offer a safe home for a child and have the time to look after a child properly. Applicants are not discriminated against race, sexual orientation, age, disability or class.
Liverpool City Council ask people thinking about adoption to call 0151 233 3700 or visit www.liverpool.gov.uk/adoption.