Comedy legend Ken Dodd visited a Mossley Hill pub to present a children’s cancer charity with a cheque after local residents joined forces to raise money for the cause.
The Rose of Mossley Hill pub played host to the presentation on Saturday to present CHICS, a charity that supports children with cancer, with a cheque for £2,750 that was raised at a summer fete held in the pub last August.
Eddie Hincks, CHICS Co-ordinator and Family Support Worker, said: “I am absolutely delighted with the way that The Rose of Mossley Hill has supported us. It’s a massive amount of money to a small self-help group like us. The money will go a long way to getting the children getting a lovely present at Christmas, it’s the highlight of our year.”
The charity provides advice and support for parents of children with cancer as well as breaks and activities for the kids.
The pub’s landlady Marie Woods also took part in a 200ft abseil down the Royal Liverpool University Hospital last Saturday and raised a further £1,200 which will be spilt between CHICS, Reaching out at Christmas and the Alder Centre.
Woods said: “I’ve done it before about four or five years ago but each time it’s terrifying but the abseiling lads make you feel right at home.”
Ken Dodd entertained the packed out pub with his jokes before presenting four-year-old Tom Culley, acting on behalf of CHICS, with the cheque. Tom was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in 2011. His family have supported CHICS for the last 12 years after a family friend was diagnosed with a brain stem tumour from which she died.

Tom’s mum, Ruth Culley, said: “Since Tom was diagnosed our philosophy has always been to raise as much for charity as we possibly can. CHICS has helped us massively and it’s always nice when you can help to put back for other children.”
The Liverpool City Scooter Club, celebrity hairdresser Herbert Howe and the vicar of Mossley Hill, Alan Kennedy were amongst the many who joined Dodd to celebrate the community’s fundraising efforts.
Music was provided by local live band ‘Nightshift’ who entertained the audience with versions of old pop classics from The Police and Toto.