A number of Liverpool-based organisations have taken part in the national ‘Time to Talk’ day to help end the stigma around mental illness.
The day was organised as part of ‘Time to Change’, a national anti-stigma campaign hoping to get more people talking about mental issues, and end discrimination faced by people with mental health problems. The aim of the day was to start one million conversations about mental health across the country.
Over 30 volunteers took part in Liverpool’s ‘Time to Talk’ event, organised by Liverpool City Council, Imagine Mental Health, Age Concern, Liverpool City Housing and a range of community volunteers.
A programme of organised events included stalls where people could seek advice and be redirected to further services. Volunteers also handed out badges and teabags to help get the conversations started.
Readings and ‘silent performances’ by actors at The Bluecoat in the city centre also took place to help demonstrate some of the problems people with mental illnesses face.
Charlotte Davies, from Imagine Mental Health, told JMU Journalism: “We want people to realise there is a need to talk about mental health, we’re trying to open up the channels of communication. It’s been brilliant seeing Liverpool City Council, charities and third sector organisations pull together and make something amazing for the people of Liverpool. There’s no health without mental health.”
One-in-four people will experience mental health problems in the UK, with nine out of ten of those suffering discrimination because of it.
For more information on services and support for mental health and wellbeing go to the Liverpool Wellbeing website.