A Liverpool children’s charity has this week launched its 40th Christmas appeal to help disadvantaged families.
KIND has been appealing to help those families in need in Liverpool and its surrounding areas since 1975. At Christmas the charity creates hampers for disadvantaged families and children containing food, toys and clothes.
Around 65-70 hampers each year are made, with each one costing £65.
Stephen Yip, KIND’s founder and chief executive, told JMU Journalism: “In the hampers we use branded food, crackers, mince pies, food, clothes and toys. So many mums have told us the hampers really make a difference between their family having a Christmas and not having a Christmas.”
KIND’s mission statement is to show children from disadvantaged backgrounds that they and life have something to offer and that given the right support and opportunities that they can achieve and succeed.
The city still has some of the poorest, most deprived areas in the UK. There are children and families that are struggling and find themselves living in poverty on a daily basis.
Mr Yip added: “A lot of families manage to cope on their incomes throughout the year, but at Christmas people do spend extra on toys and food.
“The hampers are a way of showing these families that others do care and can help them. It’s all about making a difference, especially at Christmas”.
Throughout its Christmas appeal, KIND works with 40 organisations to raise money. KIND works alongside schools, churches, women’s aid and community groups.
Stephen said: “Our main aim is to make Christmas happy and less stressful for those in need.”