There will be plenty of toasts, glasses being lifted and pints sunk as a huge beer festival hits town this week.
The society of independent brewers (SIBA) is returning to the Exhibition Centre to host the UK’s largest independent craft brewing trade show on Wednesday and Thursday.
The event gives the chance for independent businesses in the craft industry to network and develop new relationships, whilst also giving beer and ale enthusiasts a taste of everything brewing.
Liverpool hosts many cultural events and BeerX is another one to put on the list. SIBA event organiser, James Calder, told JMUJournalism: “We had really good positive feedback last year from all of our brewers and suppliers and we got a 99% approval rating from so many people.”
He also discussed the benefits the gathering has for smaller businesses, telling JMUJournalism: “All of these suppliers who sell equipment from all around the country, they’re looking for brewers to sell their stuff too and this is the best place in the UK, and possibly in Europe, to do that.”
YouTube: David Haycocks
The items available at the event range from homemade cask ale to beautifully designed can sleeves. Berkshire labels employee, Paul Roscoe, told JMUJournalism: “It’s our second year coming to BeerX. We came last year and had a really good show, meeting lots of existing customers and gaining some new ones.”
SIBA was established in 1980 and currently represents around 830 independent craft breweries and its vision is “to deliver the future of British beer” as the “voice of British independent Brewing”.