A Liverpool children’s charity has launched its 41st Christmas appeal to help disadvantaged families across Merseyside.
KIND has opened a pop-up charity shop heading into the holiday period, to help raise the funds needed to create their vital hampers.
The hampers cost around £65 each and provide food to last a week, including some festive treats of chocolates and mince pies.
The charity works alongside over 40 local organisations, schools, and community groups to identify families who don’t have the resources to spend on the things that many of us take for granted.
Stephen Yip, KIND’s founder and chief executive, told JMU Journalism: “This is not fundraising for next year, this is fundraising to make Christmas special and a great deal happier for families in need. Every pound we raise, we will spend that pound.
“Our appeal is completely self-funded, there is no budget for it. We can only spend what we raise. Last year we raised £75,000 and we spent £75,000.”
The pop-up shop is located on 28-30 Williamson Street and will remain open until Christmas, selling toys, clothes and gifts.
KIND is aiming to provide over 1,000 family-sized hampers and toy parcels this year and it is hoped that the charity shop will help them reach that target.
Youtube: KIND Christmas Appeal 2016
Mr Yip added: “We’ve always hit our target in the past thanks to the generosity of the people of Merseyside. We want to stress that it is Merseyside; our hampers go out across the county, not just in Liverpool.”
KIND believes in the importance of investing in the future of children and that every individual child can become a better adult, thereby shaping a better future society, if they are just given the chance to learn how to do it.
Donations can be made in the shop, online or by contacting KIND on 0151 708 8273.