A Liverpool charity is trying a new way to raise money by hosting its first ever ‘gong bath’.
Greenbank Project is a disability charity that offers training and education as well as sport and recreation services for local disabled people and other disadvantaged groups.
Gong baths are used throughout the world for relaxation.
Charity worker Elizabeth Brocklehurst said:” A supporter willing to cover the cost of the event, by paying for the Gong Master, approached us and suggested we use this event as a way of raising some money for our charity.”
Elizabeth told JMU Journalism:” We are always looking for different and fun ways to raise money and this will be the perfect way to support services offered by the charity which offer opportunities for disabled children and adults.”
The charity is not supported by any grants and so must raise its own funds. Elizabeth believes it will draw new visitors to the centre on Greenbank Lane as well as offer something a bit different and hopefully attracting interest and attention and reach out to a whole new audience.
The gong bath event will be held on Sunday 21st April and will enable anyone who takes part to take time out and escape the stresses of everyday.
Vistitors are encouraged to bring their own duvets, pillows and blankets and then will be asked to lie down and enjoy the sounds of the gong. For tickets to the event contact: 0151 280 7757