Merseyside bosses could face a night behind bars as local police officers have urged companies to get involved in the ‘Locked Up For Good’ charity event.
Police officers from the city hope to raise thousands of pounds for the Prince’s Trust by carrying out mock arrests on business leaders who have been nominated by their employees for the event which takes place on Friday, 28th November.
It starts with an arrest and handcuffs before the bosses are driven to jail. A custody sergeant will be waiting to book them in with fingerprints, DNA and mugshots taken. For those kept overnight, a disrupted sleep of being roused every thirty minutes is said to make the experience as real as possible.
Inspector Paul Court, who organised the event, told JMU Journalism: “We have targeted senior leaders and managers because we believe that they have the ability to embrace the true spirit of the event and get their staff raising lots of money for a good cause. And after all, who wouldn’t want to keep their boss out of the office for a few hours.”
“Merseysiders are known for their sense of humour and so we are certain that this event is going to generate many laughs. That said, there is also a serious side and we hope that the event gives the participants an insight into life in custody and during the event, the participants will have the opportunity to meet people who have been in their position yet have turned their lives around.”
Up to 20 people will be nominated by colleagues to find out what it’s like to be taken into custody. The more money the company raises, the longer their boss remains behind bars. Twenty disused custody cells will be used with volunteer police officers carrying out the mock arrests to ensure there is no impact on real police operations.
Other ideas planned to raise money for the Prince’s Trust include a rerun of ‘The Detectives Apprentice’ in February 2015 which will see teams competing to solve a major investigation prior to presenting their case in court. A similar event was last run in 2012.
People can register their interest or get more information by visiting the Merseyside Police website or e-mailing [email protected]