Liverpool’s largest bus operator, Arriva, has increased it prices by 10p.
The price hike started yesterday and means a 5% increase to £2.10 for journeys across zones in Liverpool, Halton, St Helens, Wirral and Lancashire.
Despite the fare increase representatives at Arriva stated that the maximum fare for an adult single will be £3.20, meaning that any fares currently higher than this will be reduced.
Howard Farrall, area managing director for Arriva Merseyside told the Liverpool Echo: “We continually review our fares and costs so we are able to deliver quality bus services for our customers and maintain a stable network.
“Over the past five years we have invested £54m in new buses in Merseyside. We operate our services more efficiently than we have ever done but unfortunately rising costs mean that we do have to adjust our fares in order that we can continue investing in the area.
“We have reviewed our fare structure and alongside the fare increases some of our single fares have been reduced – there is now a maximum £3.20 single fare in Merseyside with some fares being capped at £2.50 for a trial period.
“We are also trialing a promotional off peak fare of £1.50 in St Helens to encourage bus use and our cross river single fare has been frozen at £3.20.
“We will continue to evaluate our fare structure and look at how we can deliver best value to our customers while covering costs and allowing for investment in services.”
Student tickets will remain unchanged at £1.70 but child single fares will rise by 7p to £1.40. Multi-journey saver tickets will increase by 10p from £3.90 to £4 for a Liverpool zone day pass and by 50p from £14.50 to £15 for a weekly pass.