* Warning: story and video contain shocking imagery *
A group of anti-abortion campaigners displayed a large graphic picture in Liverpool city centre of what is claimed to have been an 11-week old foetus.
The image, which was set up on Parker Street by St John’s Shopping Centre, caused some controversy among passers-by on Friday.
The campaign group behind it, CBR UK, had presented a separate sign further down the road which warned: “Notice graphic abortion photos ahead.”
Katrina Stokes, speaking on behalf of CBR UK, explained what the demonstration was about.
She told JMU Journalism: “This is a public education display and we’re trying to show the public what really happens with abortion and we think that many women don’t realise that their baby is really human.
“I have the greatest respect for the health profession, but I don’t think that killing a baby is healthcare. I also don’t think that we’re using shock tactics, I think that it’s reality.”
YouTube: Ethan Jukes-Mcnee
The display had been placed on a site at which construction is ongoing, and while the builders working there continuously tried to get the group to move on they refused to comment on the matter.
Members of the public who saw it were split on their opinions concerning abortion, but seemed united in agreeing that the photograph was not appropriate for public display.
Karen Ardry, from Glasgow, told JMU Journalism: “I am 100% on-board with women’s rights and do not agree with what they’re saying. I’m happy with them to hand out flyers and talk to people, but not with the photo.

“I’m not allowed to take a 17-year-old child into an 18 movie and that image would be in an 18 movie. I know a lot of Christians that would be disgusted with this as well.”
Speaking on the issue of abortion, Liverpool resident, David Lloyd, told JMU Journalism: “I think that it’s a decent thing that human life should be respected. Once a child is conceived it has a right to live and be married and have children.”
However, he added: “I don’t agree with the image because there are children walking around here and they shouldn’t have to see it.”
It is understood that complaints were made to police, with a number of people asking the group to move on or take the image down.
The campaigners continued with their display for several hours before leaving.