Recycling rates in Anfield have increased to 82% from 6% – almost three times the current rate for Liverpool as a whole – thanks to a local community action group.
The recycling success is down to ‘Anfield Alley Angels’ – a group of local volunteers who have been cleaning the streets of Anfield for six months.
They have introduced easy ways to get rid of residents’ rubbish through new bin sheds being built at the end of alleys.
A normal day for an Alley Angel starts with a quick coffee morning meeting and then it’s straight out for tasks including litter picking, brushing the alleyways, weeding, and bin store tidy-ups.
The project was set up by Your Housing Group, working in partnership with Liverpool City Council as well as Liverpool Football Club.
Twitter: Rebecca Thomas
Alley Angel organiser, James Coates told me more about what the volunteers do for the area. He also spoke about the ‘blue bag recycling scheme’ which encourages residents to recycle their unwanted items rather than leave them in alleyways. @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/ZOj7Nih6N7
— Rebecca (@Becca_Thomasxx) 20 February 2019
The organiser of the group, James Coates, told JMU Journalism: “We have seven volunteers who are here every week, rain, wind or shine, but then we have another 50-odd Alley Angels volunteers who do small but very important jobs.
“Most of the residents have really embraced what we’re trying to do and are enjoying the positive changes to their local community.”

Sue Whittingham has four jobs but still manages to juggle volunteering with the angels whenever she can.
She told JMU Journalism: “I have seen a massive difference to the area. The alleys used to be covered in bin bags and now you can walk through a lot of them.
“We tackle different alleyways one at a time. The reason I do it is because I have pride where I live and want to keep it tidy.”
Sue’s has also created a ‘butterfly garden’ at her home, with creative decorations and plants which brighten up the street where she lives.
Mr Coates told JMU Journalism: “We’ve made great friends here and have a real laugh. It makes it even better that whilst we’re having a laugh with our friends we’re also making a difference to our community.”
The Anfield Alley Angels meet every Wednesday at 10:30am at Christ Church, Anfield.
Twitter: Rebecca Thomas
A look into Alley Angel Sue’s butterfly garden. Sue juggles four jobs alongside volunteering for the group and says she takes pride in her garden and area. @JMUJournalism pic.twitter.com/gxEyHiE0c8
— Rebecca (@Becca_Thomasxx) 20 February 2019