Free coffees will be given to those most in need thanks to a new scheme being introduced in Liverpool.
Independent Liverpool has teamed up with The Whitechapel Centre homelessness charity to introduce the ‘Suspended Coffees’ scheme. This is a global initiative where people can visit a participating café and purchase their coffee along with an extra one to be ‘suspended’ and collected later by someone less fortunate.
The scheme has proved popular in cities such as London and New York but now the co-founders of Independent Liverpool, a news organisation dedicated to highlighting independent businesses, David Williams and Oliver Press, are bringing it to Merseyside.
David spoke to JMU Journalism about the reasons for bringing the scheme here. He said: “We’ve always loved the work the Whitechapel Centre have done and we’ve been trying to find ways to work with them for ages. I’d heard of the Suspended Coffees idea and thought it was a great way to make a difference.”
Established in 1975, The Whitechapel Centre is Merseyside’s leading homeless and housing charity. It is a rough sleeper enablement centre providing crisis intervention, advice, washing facilities, primary health care, and mental health support.
Williams and Press are currently in talks with other independent coffee shops and restaurants who are keen to come on board. Once it is put into place, the participating establishments will be listed on the Suspended Coffees and Independent Liverpool website.
Williams said: “These are some of the most vulnerable people in society but we can all make a huge difference to their life with this small gesture of kindness.
“Liverpool is a very kind city and we have already received hundreds of messages of support for the scheme on our website. Our company is all about doing lovely things for lovely people and we are hoping to encourage people to go the extra mile to help to make Liverpool a happier place.”
Though it is not yet certain when the scheme will begin, the team hope that it will be in place by April.