Smokefree Liverpool has held a series of events across the city to mark national No Smoking Day, the yearly event held to try and convince people to stop for 24 hours in order to quit the habit for good.
Tobacco use is associated with increased risk of multiple cancers, including lung, larynx, oesophagus, oral cavity and pharynx, bladder, pancreas, kidney, liver, stomach, bowel, cervix, leukaemia, and ovarian cancers.
Stop Smoking Liverpool service manager, Samantha Thompson, told JMU Journalism: “We have come down to Williamson Square to support the 35th annual No smoking Day and events like there are imperative because it is incredibly important to stop smoking.
“It is the biggest preventable cause of death in the UK and it kills around 82,000 people a year.”
Samantha added: “If you want help quitting in Liverpool you can come and see us in person at one of our 60 venues where we offer support, so if you can’t come today there will be somewhere where you can get the help you need to quit.”
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There are multiple health benefits associated with quitting smoking, such as improved breathing and general fitness but smokers will also save around £2,000 a year if they smoke 13 cigarettes a day.
Thompson added: “We have a website or you can visit our Facebook page. We also have telephone support and you can call our office for any advice at 0800 0614212.”