Hot dogs were the only item on the menu as a man versus food contest came to Liverpool, with competition organisers giving out more than 100 of the leftovers to the homeless.
The eating competition was launched on Friday by Arthouse Bar and Pizzeria where competitors were given 20 minutes going head-to-head to eat as many hot dogs as they could, gaining extra points for devouring the hottest dog – one covered in red hot chillies.
Event organiser, Hayley Hartwright, told JMU Journalism: “It was funny really. The owner just came up to me one night and said ‘I want to do a hot dog eating contest’ and it all went from there.”
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Competitors included Chef of Arthouse Bar and Pizzeria, Tommy Jones, and promotion manager, Kevin Collins… who just so happens to be a vegetarian.

Kevin swallowed his principles and consumed 10 hot dogs despite becoming a veggie in May earlier this year.
He said: “I think I should win first prize based on the fact I feel like I’ve eaten enough bread and meat to last me a lifetime.
“I don’t even eat meat and I’ve just demolished 10 hot dogs, which is two per minute. I’d like to see another vegetarian do that.”
The eventual winner was Kyle Dillon, who wolfed down 17 hot dogs in total, leaving him 23 points ahead of runner-up, Tommy Jones.
Kyle won a premium booth drinks package worth £150 after eating more than half of the 40 hot dogs consumed on the night.
Hayley said: “Were hoping to start running this event once every month if we can get more people involved and see what they’re made of.”