Ten thousand light bulbs will be switched on in memory of lost loved ones at a Wirral hospice in December.
The ‘Light up a Life’ ceremony will take place at Wirral Hospice St John’s in Higher Bebington on Sunday December 6th and each of the bulbs will have been sponsored in the name of a bereaved friend or relative.
Now in its 18th year, the ceremony takes place in the hospice gardens where the lights will be displayed amongst the trees. The names of each of those remembered will be featured in a book of honour which will be on display in the hospice chapel.
The light up ceremony will be followed by a remembrance service at St James Church in New Brighton on Tuesday December 8th. The service is free for all to attend, however places need to be reserved in advance.
Head of fundraising at Wirral Hospice St John’s, Theresa Nightingale, told JMU Journalism, “Light up a life is an annual campaign and it’s really important for us as a hospice to bring our local community together to remember those who aren’t with us anymore. It helps us to realise just how important the hospice is to our community.”
As well as the light switch-on, there is also carol singing and refreshments for those who wish to join in.
More than 3,000 people attended last year’s ceremony which raised almost £100,000 towards the hospice’s running costs and organisers are hoping that this year’s event will be just as successful.
“As well as being a really special time of year it helps us to raise much needed money for the hospice,” Theresa added.
The deadline to sponsor a bulb and be included in the programme is Wednesday November 18th and you can do so by filing in the online form at www.wirralhopsice.org or by calling the Fundraising Office on 0151 343 0778.