More than 4,000 people have signed a petition calling for speed bumps to be put on a busy West Derby road, following the death of a six-year-old boy who was killed whilst crossing the busy route.
Bobby Colleran of Huyton, died after being struck by a van on the October 24th as his mum picked him from Blackmoor Park Infants School on Leyfield Road.
Following his death, an e-petition calling for traffic calming measures in the road, was launched by Gina McMahon, a nurse who tried to resuscitate Bobby after the horrific accident.
She said: “Leyfield Road is an extremely busy road that serves four schools, a hospice, Alder Hey Hospital and a large residential population also. Yet, the road itself has just one lollipop lady and one set of traffic lights.
“We suggest that the council install speed bumps to help dramatically reduce the speed of vehicles using Leyfield Road, we would also like electronic signs erected to warn passing cars to reduce their speed and adhere to the 20mph speed limit.”
Labour MP for West Derby, Stephen Twigg lives around the corner from Leyfield Road and has been talking to families in the area about adding speed bumps and more crossings.
MP Twigg said: “The whole community here in West Derby has been shocked by this tragedy, but I think this campaign shows that something positive can come out of it.
“It’s long overdue for the area. I’ve had a lot of concerns raised with me about safety around local schools. There are a number of measures that need to be undertaken now.”
Mr Twigg has also raised the matter with Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson as discussions are underway with the city council on what to do to prevent this happening in the future.
In a statement, Bobby’s family said: “Our Bob lit up a room, he was the most loving little boy. As well as being a cherished son and brother, he was a grandson, nephew, cousin and friend to everyone he met.”
Cabinet member for highways, Councillor Malcolm Kennedy said: “This was a tragic incident and our thoughts are with the family of Bobby Colleran at this extremely difficult time. There is a full police investigation and inquest underway into the circumstances surrounding what happened. We met with the organisers of the petition to hear and understand their concerns.”
A private funeral will take place next week, and in lieu of flowers, the family are asking for donations to be made to Bobby’s fund.