A Childwall primary school has unveiled its new eco classroom, which is the first of its type in the country, according to its designers.
The ‘pod’ which was designed by UK Pod Living Ltd, will be used for a number of environmental and music activities by the children at Childwall Church of England Primary School.
The new classroom has received the highest possible environmental rating for energy efficiency, and the pod has solar panels on the roof, which will save money for the school as it returns power back to the school’s grid. With the new classroom being designed to be environmentally friendly, the building was made from recycled plastic foundations and decking.
The classroom includes features such as LED lighting, real wood flooring, heat pump energy and air conditioning.
Canon Gary Renison, Chair of Governors, said: “We are delighted with the pod. The eco-friendly nature of the building sits squarely alongside our desire to teach the children in our care to be good stewards of God’s creation.
“As well as being a beautiful and contemporary space for us to use in a variety of ways, the pod models something fundamental about our understanding of how we should manage the earth’s finite resources.”
Former Everton star John Bailey joined the head teacher and pupils of Childwall C of E Primary School to witness the opening of the first eco classroom in the city of Liverpool this week.
The group were also joined by Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Gary Millar, who officially opened the forward-thinking work space.